Forum Message

Quotations and the Allocation Of acounts

I have just produced my first quotation using Solar. After putting in the discription of materials it goes to the next column where you have a drop down menu listing all of the account headings.
My question is this: If you allocate, eg, Materials to the Materials heading; would this be where, after receiving payment, the money will automatically be placed?
I'm getting a little confused on where everything gets allocated.


Posted by Mark Squires on Jul 8, 2012 10:02 PM BST

Hi Mark,

You should generally set the Account column on quotes to 'Sales Income', even when you are charging the customer for materials. This means that when you convert the quote to an invoice it will increase the 'Sales Income' balance.

When you buy materials create a separate transaction, such as a Money Paid Out transaction like this:


Posted by Mark McLaren (Solar Accounts) on Jul 9, 2012 10:23 AM BST