Forum Message

Deleting an expense

Hi I have deleted an expense which was numbered pay94 but has altered my vat return total even though it has shown as being deleted. Also the number 94 is no longer available for the next expense number. How will this affect my paper work as i now have that number missing.


Posted by Denise White on Jul 12, 2009 1:25 PM BST

Hi Denise,

Yes, the VAT report in Solar Accounts is always based on the current set of transactions so deleting a transaction will affect the VAT report.

If you submit your VAT return to HMRC and then later delete an expense in that period you will need to manually adjust your next VAT return. To do this, follow the VAT Return Guide in Solar Accounts as normal, but when copying the figures to your VAT return form subtract the appropriate amount from Box 4 and Box 7. You will also need to increase the amount of the VAT return payment produced by Solar Accounts.

You don't need to keep your expense records sequential, but if you prefer you can change the payment number back to 94. To do this, click menu Setup > Generated IDs, then set the Next Number field on the Money Paid Out row to 94.

I hope this makes sense - let me know if you need more information.


Posted by Mark McLaren (Solar Accounts) on Jul 12, 2009 4:05 PM BST