Forum Message

How to record a purchase invoice for a credit card purchase

We use a "business credit card" that is settled every month. We have up to 20 separate transactions on 2 separate cards with one payment taken/month. How do we record these purchases & payments?

Posted by Roger Dey on Feb 4, 2011 4:40 PM GMT

Hi Roger,

There is no need to record a purchase invoice unless your supplier lets you delay payment for the goods or services supplied. In general you can just record a Money Paid Out transaction with the Paid From Account set to 'Mastercard' (or other credit card) and the Type field set to 'General Payment'.

When you 'pay off' your credit card each month record a bank transfer as described here:


Posted by Mark McLaren (Solar Accounts) on Feb 5, 2011 9:25 AM GMT

presumably you would split up the transactions when you enter them so that the expense type is allocated correctly?, ie. put all petrol purchases together, supplies purchased for a job etc.

Posted by Mrs M on Feb 6, 2011 4:11 PM GMT

Hello Mrs M,

You can create separate transactions if you prefer, but you can also have a single 'Money Paid Out' transaction allocated to multiple expense accounts (ie. with one line per expense in the 'Allocate To Account' table).


Posted by Mark McLaren (Solar Accounts) on Feb 7, 2011 8:29 AM GMT