Forum Message

Manufacturing products with many parts

Hi, I'm thinking about moving over to your product from Quickbooks (2003) but I'd like to know how you would recommend I handle the following scenario.
I manufacture a reasonably complex electrical/electonic assembly and as such I buy in about 150 different pasrts from washers, nuts, bits of wire to large cabinets then assemble them into a product which I then sell. This means that I never sell any of the things that I buy and I never buy the things that I sell! This has meant with Quickbooks that I can't handle stock because the stock never gets consumed, it just keeps on piling up. Likewise the things I sell I can't keep track off because Quickbooks has no way of handling stock that just materialises. The upshot is that Quickbooks is just used to create outgoing invoices and receive incomming bills. Does Solar Accounts have a way of handling this?


Posted by Niall on Nov 4, 2009 9:49 AM GMT

Hi Niall,

Solar Accounts doesn't keep track of individual stock items, only the total value of your stock. You would simply allocate your purchases of stock to 'Cost of Goods Sold', then make an adjustment once a month to account for changes in the value of your inventory.

See here for more details:


Posted by Mark McLaren (Solar Accounts) on Nov 4, 2009 11:58 AM GMT